

红点奖(Red Dot Award)是世界上知名设计竞赛中最大最有影响的竞赛之一。近日,2015红点奖公布,以下为装备类产品获得2015红点产品奖的精选。


RAMMAX 1575 遥控沟槽压路机

获奖理由:With its functional, compact and robust form, the Rammax 1575 imparts the impression of strength and reliability.


APH 110-95 高性能平板夯

获奖理由:A high level of functionality and performance characterises this high-performance compactor, which attracts attention due to its distinctive lines.


ARX 90 双钢轮压路机

获奖理由:The ARX 90 is logically designed from an ergonomic viewpoint and at the same time displays a distinctive, independent appearance



★意大利CIFA公司的Coguaro4 矿用(隧道用)混凝土搅拌车获得红点奖,该产品主要用于困难环境下的混凝土搅拌和运输,譬如隧道、矿井等。

获奖理由:This concrete mixer for extreme  conditions makes by its autonomous appearance a powerful and confident impression



★荷兰Diverto公司的QS-100多功能设备,可以作拖拉机,挖掘机,装载机,割草机等用途,获得的是红点至尊奖(best of the best),关于这款产品,N98曾在官网上做过专题的简介,感兴趣可点击:http://www.98-id.com/post/58

获奖理由:Following an innovative approach, the Diverto QS 100 integrates a tractor, excavator, loader and mower into one single vehicle and thus separates itself from the classical form. It embodies a very well thought-through multifunctional platform for the most varied tasks, allowing them to be performed in a more coordinated and effective way. All details have been carefully honed, with an ergonomically designed operator cabin offering great comfort, safety and intuitive handling



★利勃海尔是红点、IF等国际工业设计大奖的多项获得者,这次R 926挖掘机获得红点奖殊荣。

获奖理由:With its well-considered ergonomic design, a high level of functionality and robust appearance, the R 926 Compact makes an impression of reliability




获奖理由:The DD422i convinces with high functionality. The underlying modular system contributes to greater safety and cost-effectiveness.



★荷兰的U-Boat公司设计了一款名为C-Explorer 3潜水设备,可乘坐3名乘员,潜至300米深,并且拥有360度的视角,另外还可加装摄像头和机械臂。C-Explorer 3获得了红点奖。

获奖理由:This submersible captivates with a comfortable cabin and a 360-degree panoramic view, thanks to which exploration of aquatic habitats becomes  an adventure.



★丰田BT Levio P系列电动托盘车,获得红点奖。

获奖理由:The BT Levio P series is characterised by high ergonomic quality. The trucks are furthermore agile and nimble and can be manoeuvred well in small spaces.



★Ponsse(庞赛)专注于生产对环境友善的具有高质量和高可靠性的林木采伐设备。Ponsse Scorpion伐木机获得了2015红点至尊奖(best of the best)。

获奖理由:Form and functionality are merged in this forest machine into a highly impressive unity. All elements are carefully matched to lend this type of work machine an entirely new appearance. Showcasing a well thought-out operator environment, the harvester offers a high degree of ergonomics and safety. A particularly innovative solution has been realised in the cabin that gives the operator a good all-round vision at all times.



★三菱EDiA EX电动平衡重叉车获得红点奖。

获奖理由:This 4-wheel electric forklift truck fulfils high demands of ergonomics and functionality and thus facilitates intuitive, fluid operation.



★MakerBot 是著名的桌面级3d打印机品牌公司,MakerBot Replicator 3D打印机获得红点奖。

获奖理由:This 3D printer features an inspiring, open design. Its robust and technical aesthetics blend perfectly into industrial environments.




获奖理由:The rotation laser and laser receiver create a symbiotic sense of congruence. The distinct, circumferential handles provide stability and protection.



★警用六轴无人飞行器,获提名奖,获奖理由:The unmanned aerial vehicle translates innovative technical ideas into a convincing design. The aerodynamic form is highlighted by the black and white contrast.



★ecoZ 机器人系统,获红点奖,获奖理由:The design of the robot system displays an extraordinary feel for ergonomics, mobility and flexibility.



★Crossbar Robot 4.0工业机器人,红点奖,获奖理由:The smooth surfaces of the industrial robot appear immaculate and fluid. The bright white communicates clear workflows.



★排水管清洗机控制装置eControl+,获红点奖,获奖理由:The control unit has an exceptionally clear structure. The LED corona gives it a visually convincing frame.



★库卡KR 6 Agilus小型工业机器人,提名奖,获奖理由:Its balanced proportions give this small robot an athletic look, visualising its manoeuvrability and speed.



★库卡的KUKA Genius摩擦焊接机,获得红点奖,获奖理由:

The strong slope of the front gives this friction welding machine a futuristic touch. White as the dominant colour highlights the progressive appearance.



★台湾EMBUX公司的RA21工控机,获红点奖,获奖理由:The RA21 features a fascinating geometric form and metallic accents, which successfully underline its industrial character.



★喜利得Hilti PR 30-HVS旋转激光发射器,获得红点至尊奖(best of the best),获奖理由:The Hilti PR 30-HVS rotating laser impresses with a well-proportioned and compact design. Its harmonious form language instantly communicates that this device is meant for use on construction sites. With elaborate details such as hard rubber grips and an exceptionally rugged housing, it is very well protected for use even under the harshest conditions. This rotation laser is intuitive and versatile in use.



★SMART EVO便携式X射线系统,主要用于工业上的检测,获得红点至尊奖(best of the best),获奖理由:The design of Smart Evo impressively combines the innovative technology of the Control Evo unit with a portable system for non-destructive testing. As such, this system sets new standards for the future. It fascinates with a highly user-friendly operation, which allows it to be perfectly adjusted to various workflows even under the most extreme conditions. It is compact and ergonomically well thought-through.
